1. When the Apple company founded?

Apple was first established in 1976, at the hands of "Ronald Wayne" and "Steve Wozniak", and of course the most famous and is "Steve Jobs." However, after only Ospuqin, "Ronald Wayne" left the company, and sold 10% of its shares in them. But only sold nearly US $ 800 !. You can imagine that if it retained its shares to the day, the 10% would have been worth $ 60 billion currently.

2. What Mac OS old name?

Mac was known by his system and now, in his debut as the known as the Next it was the development of "Steve Jobs," and then posed Apple currently known by name.

3. What is a hard deadline to announce the iPhone?

It may seem a bit strange, to know that her appointment Whipple one hard declaring all of its products, the deadline is at 9:41. but why?. This is due to the reason that this is the date when Steve Jobs iPhone was first introduced in 2007. Apple was retained on the date fixed tradition.

4. When was the first circular design?

Apple introduced for the first time with the circular edges and curved designs, which would open the door for designs that we see today, in 1991.

5. Who is more insane user of Apple products?

In fact it is a Japanese user break the record, so while waiting for the new phone from Apple iPhone 6, a phone and book his place in front of the Apple store, even before the announcement of the phone for seven whole months. You can imagine !!!.

6. What is the strangest condition for Apple?

This may seem the strangest conditions codified Apple at all in terms of store iTunes. But already read Usage Agreement before downloading application iTunes? .. The answer is undoubtedly "no." If you've read it before you find strange condition of Apple, which require it not to use products store in the design of nuclear or biological weapons, or launching military rockets .. which is something very strange.

7. inverse logo?

When Apple introduced its organs personal computer, it was the famous Apple logo upside-shows for now.

8. Matti Apple failed?

So when platform games made in 1995. But it failed. but why?. This is due to a very dear price, which reached to $ 599 at the time.

9. Why is the apple logo?

Many have tried to provide explanations to understand why he chose "Steve Jobs," Apple's name or the apple as the name and logo of the company, "Steve Jobs," he said at the time that it was the name by chance too .. where they Abjthon for a name understood by all the world. The logo was initially highlights Newton as he sat down the famous apple tree, but it was changed to distinguish it difficult to print small logo sizes.

10. Apple predicts the technology?

In 1987, Apple made propaganda videos of science fiction, the technology touching the screen appeared, and control the devices through touch. Strange that, 20 years later, she returned and made phone Apple iPhone Touch feature for the first time.

That's not all .. Vabl also predicted the date of submission of personal assistant tool Siri voice that appeared in the video in 2011.

11. Siri tool registered?

Yes .. All that you say to Siri personal assistant tool, it is registered in the Apple servers to understand more about what the user wants to develop a tool .. Yes, this is also written in the Usage Agreement. There is no need for anger.

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